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Mental Health and Wellbeing Outcomes and Performance Framework
The Framework describes what Victoria’s mental health and wellbeing system will look like in the future. It shows that the system should work together to support people living in Victoria. It will make sure all mental health and wellbeing services provide excellent support. It will help achieve better mental health and wellbeing in schools, workplaces, and communities.
For more information, visit here
Wellbeing in Victoria: A Plan to Promote Good Mental Health
The Mental Health and Wellbeing Promotion Office (within the Department of Health) is developing Victoria’s first ever Wellbeing Plan to promote good mental health for all Victorians wherever we live, work, learn and play.
Consistent with Recommendation 2 of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System, the Wellbeing Plan will provide a coordinated approach that brings communities, service providers and government together to strengthen our focus on prevention, promotion and healing.
The Wellbeing Plan is for Victorians from all walks of life, including people from diverse backgrounds and abilities. We are keen to hear from you to better understand the needs of Victorian communities as this will help inform the Wellbeing Plan. We would like the plan to reflect shared priorities in mental health and wellbeing promotion
For more information, visit here
The Victorian Suicide Prevention and Response Strategy
Suicide has a devastating and enduring impact on Victorian communities. It affects people of all ages and backgrounds, impacting individuals, families and friends, workplaces, schools and local communities.
The Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System recommended that the Victorian Government develop a new suicide prevention and response strategy (the strategy). The strategy will take a whole-of-government and community-wide approach so we can better prevent and respond to suicide.
The Mental Health and Wellbeing Division in the Department of Health is partnering with people with lived experience, and their families, carers and supporters, to develop the new strategy.
We are also seeking advice from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and a range of sectors and industries, workplaces, and community-based groups to develop the strategy.
For more information, visit here
Local Adult and Older Adult Mental Health and Wellbeing Services
The Royal Commission recommended that Victoria establish up to 60 new Local Adult and Older Adult Mental Health and Wellbeing Services (Local Services).
Local Services are a new service stream and by the end of 2022, the first six Local Services will be set up in Benalla, Brimbank, Frankston, Greater Geelong, Latrobe Valley and Whittlesea.
By the end of 2026, we plan to set up services for all Victorians. This will provide an easy entry-point to the mental health and wellbeing system for people 26 years and over.
For more information, visit here